



Firenze 1938 – Orsigna 2004


Tiziano Terzani was an Italian journalist and writer.

He worked for some years for the Olivetti and thanks to this possibility he travelled all around the world. The experience to engage with different culture, was at the base of a drastic process of inner development.

The dialogue and freedom of the ideas are important ingredients to star a personal growth.

All of his life he has sought to understand the relationship between the people, to find the response to the big social problem.

“Un altro giro di giostra”( One More Ride on the Merry-go-round) is the book that he published in 2001, where he tell us his illness: seven years where he try to understand how to save his live.

He accept the medical care but not in a hospital and not with his family.

The life taught the importance of the new experiences, and for this reason he left the home to found a solution.

This travel was different from the other, in this case he has a mission that has something to do with his survival, all the choices was related to a program of life.

When he transferred to America, in the most important hospital for the cancer, he was still in the process of setting the medicines for the illness, but what he understand that our illness is the mortality, and to safe ourselves we have to drop the materiality of our body and reach the spirituality.

The decision to spend this important period alone was to save also his family, the possibility to have a negative affect and to modify the life of the other people, gave him the force to came away.

From America to India, to discover the alternative medicine and come in contact with the origin of the oriental culture.

The power is not in our body but in our mind.

For this reason to leave all the things that are connected with our life is an aid to cut with the society and with your past, Terziani for some years changed his name in Anam that literally means “the one with no name”, and it is a way to reinvent himself in the freedom. We work all of our life to ensure that our name becoming famous, but is also a name.

Until the and the writer decided to live alone, in the same nature where he was born and where he felt free.


“If you have nothing inside, you will never find anything outside, It’s useless wandering and looking in the world for what you can’t find in yourself”


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